Aasra- a word that signifies shelter. A word that gives warmth when given to a lonely human being: let alone an orphan, a destitute who has lost everything he/she had in this world. For them, the world has become a cruel place, a living hell. They need someone who can become a calm breeze that touches their lives and makes everything around them as beautiful as it was before-as beautiful as spring, as calm as stillness of night.

These aspirations and thoughts gave birth to AASRA whose sole objective is bringing smiles on the little ones. The brainchild of Prof. G.K. Roy (Dept. Of Chemical Engg.), Prof. K.R. Patel (Dept. of Mechanical Engg.) and some inspiring brains of 2004-2008 batch –AASRA...they set out to do something which was a need of the hour. Going to orphanages and leprosy colonies and reaching out to those hapless young ones, their aim was one.

Within the thorns of life, the club wanted to bring about a sea change in the mindsets of students as well as the people in the institute and the society in particular. The group has come a long way in convincing students that they have a role to play in bringing these poor chaps up and giving them the confidence to face the realities and cruelties of life. Fully funded by the students themselves, the club strives to meet the daily requirements of small children (from age of 3yrs to 14yrs).

Apart from providing them with small books and stationeries, the objective of the club is something else. The soul of the group lies in the smile of small orphans; the confidence that he/she can gather, the happiness comes on seeing the group members. Be it Diwali, Dussehra, the New year, Republic day or the Independence day, the group members make the best arrangements for them to enjoy the day. Organizing competitions among them makes them bind together more and makes the bond that much stronger.

Last, but not the least, the group members comprising of the freshmen to the final year give their heart out in doing whatever they can for the club. A completely non-profit organization, the club can only become much stronger as the days and the years go by.


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