A 4 aasra,B 4 bond ,C 4 chhend…………L 4 love and we 4 for all of these……

Far from the madding crowd on the Ring road, a right turn from the Space Chowk and half a mile into Chhend is a small abode of some cherubic lamps; whose light does not reach out in its totality to the outer world partly because Fate grins at them and partly because they are shrouded by clouds of neglect and poverty. They are a score plus five in all; some of them mischievous, some silent and some too young and innocent to comprehend why the place is for them!!And that place is called Shishu Bhavan because it is awfully heartrending and cold to call it an ‘orphange’ .

The place, whatever it is, is a home to these lovely children and we at AASRA just help them see that it always remains a home to them. And we can claim that we are getting along successfully in our venture. The warm welcome we receive from them, their prompt handshakes, our participation in their game of cricket, their interest in the lessons we take for them, bursting crackers with them on Diwali’s eve, their keen eyes searching an absentee from among us, intense discussions about their problems:all plainly speak of the bond of love we share with these cherubs.

Its our turn to visit them at least on weekends in addition to other holidays we get. They do not fear us as their teachers mainly because we never raise a cane against them. Rather they love us as their elder brothers. It is surprising some of these children have exceptional merits. What it needs is to encourage them to bring out their talents. To the need of this aspect we conduct quizzes, drawing competitions, I.Q tests and more for them prior to some special occasions. It is really good to see their over-whelming response. It is very enjoyable interacting, studying and playing with them. Seeing their faces anyone cannot distinguish them from the privileged because it is true that they are born much like us although God’s will was cruel for them afterwards.

It is important to understand that they direly need love and care. Although everything is apparently ok in this Shishu Bhavan there are a lot of such faces all over us which betray want of love. Our attempt is just a humble step in this regard. A lot has yet to be done.It is high time we join hands with each other and put our foot forward to make their dreams come true. Its high time to make them realize that they are nothing less than us. It is the time when we set aside a small quota of our love and happiness to share with them. It won’t cost us more than a fraction of a penny. But the returns which we get will be greater than the dearest gift wealth can buy for us ; if we see them climb the steps of success in life just with a little benevolent effort benevolent from us.

In the end it is worth mentioning that AASRA provides us an accessible platform to interact with those who need us. It is under this banner we march on to help them.

By : Suman Sourav Dikshit(2nd Yr)


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