"Let the wick of our work burn,
from the smallest candle to the brightest torch,
And with it let it burn,
all miseries that did not belong,
And at the end, let only the light remain.
The light which is bright & full of love, warmth and tender touch....
streaming within & around us always,
making the world a bright place to live in."
Riding in the rollercoaster of my life, I had never thought other than myself. Though my heart cried for the unpriviledged sections but my response to it was almost nil. After the completion of my schooling, I joined NITRKL for my Engineering degree. I found accomodation in the hostel inside the campus. For the first time in my life I had to stay way away from my home. I was very much missing my parents and other family members.Though physically residing in the hostel, my restless mind was ever in search of a shelter where I can get peace. I realised peace only can prevail in the area where mind and soul are full of noble thoughts and physical body is always ready to serve the needy.
At the right moment, I came across the movement of AASRA FAMILY. True to its title, I soon realised, it is the right place for the shelter of my mind. Being inspired by my senior brothers & sisters, I became a member of this family.

I participated in various activities of this family.My introduction to the work places like an orphanage in basanti colony and Leprosy colony in sector 21 made me overwhelmed at the opportunity. Imparting education to the children of the deprived classes constitute the main aim of AASRA Family.They bestow their love and affection on these withered leaves to spread a smile on the innocent faces. The smile that reflects satisfaction, removes all pains, suppresses all fears and spreads the light of joy to every timid heart. Thus,day in and day out ,the AASRA members work for the upliftment of these classes. I have been taught that the hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray.

I have received my life from my parents, continued to receive food from the farmers, education from the teachers, help from my friends. I feel i owe my entire being to others. So it is my duty to dedicate my life for the cause of the others.

Lastly, I am thankful to my beloved family called AASRA which is the source of my inspiration and continued dedication to see a society where no one feels neglected or unwanted.

So let us light the ray of hope within the hearts, to see it shine day by day with added lustre and finally burn the darkness of the mundane thoughts to see a brighter dawn.
By:-Toshali Mohanty,(1st Year)


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