Educating through Drama

Educating through Drama

Child marriage is a social evil which still has strong roots in our society. Instead of convincing the child’s parents every time when they fix a marriage, we thought of educating the whole community about the effects of child marriage by performing a skit. A message is received better when it is presented in the form of drama or film; it also forms a more lasting impression.

The team was formed on 21/08/2018. On 25/08/2018 the story was finalized by one of our members, Dinesh. The story was refined, and powerful dialogues and situations were added by the skit members. Rigorous practice was done to ensure the best performances to be put up in OSAP, Sector 21,2,5,6 on Sept 1st and Sept 2nd.
On September 1 even though it was raining, members managed to reach Sector 21 at 6 pm with high spirits, and performed the skit. They also clarified the community’s doubts on child marriage. The community’s response surprised every member. They informed us about some of the centers in Rourkela where child marriage is prevalent even now. In some cases, they are done forcibly without the consent of the child. They encouraged us and asked questions regarding how to stop child marriages. 
From there, they reached OSAP at 7, and after the performance, they got the same kind of response.
On September 2nd they covered Sec 2,5 and 6.
The community in sector 6 invited the members to perform the skit again on Nuakhai.

Shruti and Adarsh did the narration.
Roja played the character of Anita, a girl who was forced to marry against her wish, and Dinesh and Richa were her parents. Mohit played her brother. Sanjay portrayed Jagadeesh, the bridegroom who was also underage, and Rahul and Aditya became his parents. Deepak was the inspector who arrests the parents at the end of the play, and Saumyajeet portrayed the NGO officer who teaches the parents about the evils of child marriage.


The skit delivered a powerful and positive message to people. Other than the faults of child marriage it also showed the importance of standing up for yourself and your rights as done by Anita and her brother. The skit concludes with the saying “Seeing a sin and not responding is also a sin”.

Later CWS Chairman Father Benny gave us another opportunity to perform in three more places.Sector 2 to cover the whole community and Govindoe pally near Telephone office, Konark talkies; Malsurian pally.
After the skit, they talked to some of the sector-2 people. They all shared their problems with the skit members; everyone was very open with the members.  Adarsh, a member of the skit team, gave his and Roja's contact number to the sector people and asked to contact them at any time regarding any problem.
There they also found two class 10th student who had discontinued their studies due to some financial issues, so the members told them to send their children to the sec-2. Their names are- Puja and Kamal. The members also promised them that they would help them in the preparation of their board exams. To make this possible, it was decided that there should be few members who would specifically focus on their board exams preparation and be as regular as possible. Puja and Kamal will be joining us from Tuesday.

All the sector people wanted to learn basic computer knowledge like operating a PC and sending emails etc. So members of that sector have organised computer classes. Everyone was very excited about the computer classes and as we are going to conduct them on Sunday not only are they sending their kids but they want to come too. The classes will be held every Sunday from 9 to 12 in the morning. The members talked to them for about one and a half hour, and finally the members told them to distribute their contact details to all the members of sector 2 so that they can get help from Aasrites anytime.
The play was mentioned in two different newspapers, appreciating our effort and the message we tried to convey. The Dainik Jagran which is published in Hindi language mentioned all our members and applauded us for our innovative idea and execution. The Odia newspaper Mo Anubhaba also praised us and the impact we made on the community.

Through the play, Aasra made an effort to remove social evils like child marriage. The appreciation received by the community and the media has opened new possibilities to cover more problems of the society.

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