Creative Corner

Little's Science Yard 2K18 Aasra conducts a science exhibition every year during Innovision named “Little’s Science Yard”. This gives an opportunity to the children of weaker sections of the society to get connected to science in fun and exciting way. It gears up the technical quotient of a child. This event ensures the extraction of inner talents of the children. This event took place on 4th November 2018 near BM-BT parking area. Event coordinators took the responsibility of bringing the children from their respective workplaces through buses. All the children with their projects, charts and models reported to the venue by 9:15 am. The stalls were decorated with funky and creative charts and pictures. From all workplaces, 119 children participated in this event. All the arrangements for breakfast were made, and children had their breakfast before 10:00 am. The even...