Abiding by the ethos of modern development,  AASRA came up with an idea of exposing the kids of our workplace to the concept and culture of Science Exhibitions. The core blueprint of this plan was to divide the entire lot of students in our workplaces into teams of 3-4 headed by a team member. After the projects were finalized and the required budget for each project was allocated, the titanic task of preparing the models began in full swing. The team members visited the workplaces to make sure the students understand the underlying concepts of each project that they would represent in the exhibition.  Decentralising all the tasks like arranging the transportation, food and refreshment, printing of ID Cards and Invitation Cards was done to ensure the smooth organization of the event. This event was to be a part of the Institute’s gigantic technical festival INNOVISION, the largest of its kind in Eastern India.

The event was immensely praised by the visitors who thronged the venue and boosted up the confidence and interest of the young minds- which was the entire sole motive behind organizing this event. The kids were provided lunch at the Institute Guest House and spent the entire day with us. The kids were so excited when they saw the guests and visitors attending the event, that their enthusiasm served as a fuel which kept us on our toes throughout the event in spite of the exertion baggage that we were carrying on our back since quite a few days to ensure a smooth organization.

The entire day-long event ended with a prize distribution ceremony. The kids were brimming with joy upon getting gifts and prizes and their smiling faces served as the biggest reward for the efforts that we all had put in, to make this event a success.


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