In an attempt to provide the taste of self-employment and in an effort to inculcate within the people that harnessing their time and potential can make them financially independent, AASRA came up with a unique concept –“Diya Project”.

We provided the members of our designated workplaces with the raw materials required for making decorative diyas. Wax was given the shape of Diyas with a wick to light it up. It was then decorated with glittering colours and made as attractive as possible. All this work was done by men and women of our workplaces, who sincerely worked diligently. Their commendable hard work and sincerity combined with their unflinching commitment and conformity to complete the tasks within the allotted time span is a lesson worth learning by each one of us. All this was in a near-completion mode by the end of the Durga Puja Vacation.

Just after the vacation ended, the herculean task of taking orders for selling the diyas began. All the members actively spent their evening hours roaming all through the staff quarters in the entire campus to collect as many orders as possible. Most of the faculty members know about this noble project of AASRA. Most of the faculties and staff generously took the offer of buying Diyas, which were available in three different sizes and had some really good combo offers as well. Not just staff quarters, our diyas were in great demand among the student fraternity as well , with a colossal order received from the girls hostel and some of the boys hostel as well. To the utter amazement of the entire team , this year we witnessed a prodigiously high demand , which was high enough for the managing team to send orders to immediately stop taking any further orders.

Finally, we arrived at the last and final step of this mammoth project- the distribution of diyas. Again this was successfully accomplished with the collective effort of the entire team. And finally, all this four-month-long task resulted in a Diwali that lighted up not just the houses of the privileged ones, but also the less fortunate ones outside the campus could celebrate a better Diwali.


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