Awareness Campaign

This year the issue of awareness in all the workplace was taken up by the current executive body. A yearlong plan was drafted and the mission, vision and agenda of the complete campaign was discussed. This documentation will remain as a future reference for the coming executive body.

The awareness program is dedicated towards developing the living conditions in the workplaces. Any permanent change that can be brought about in the society is by creating awareness programs. When the citizens are responsible for their well-being and understand their individual role in developing the society only then can any change happen. Thus, AASRA intends to bring about a change in the society by creating awareness.

Awareness program is a far-sighted program and is envisioned to bring about self-esteem of people in the workplace by developing the living conditions. Not a single person defecates in the open; Kids wash their hands before eating; People use chappals and wear clean clothes. Superstition is eradicated; Fast aid is given to injured; People manage their waste and use dustbins. Trees are planted, and a healthy environment is maintained by the people of the workplace themselves.


·         First aid awareness
·         Cleanliness and Sanitation
·         Health and hygiene
·         Waste management
·         Street play for awareness
·         Tree plantation

Each awareness program is ideally given a time period of 15-20 days where all the ideas are brought up, method of awareness selected, preparation and discussion is done and campaign in all the workplaces is completed. The necessary equipment is also procured for the use. Proper pipelining is done for the awareness program such that two awareness campaign is done within 30 days.

Methods of campaign:-
·         Demonstration
·         Plays
·         Posters
·         Any other interactive media

The team:-

Every awareness program has a philanthropic guide (a senior most member), two guides, and three leaders and five to six trainees. Most of the work is done by the trainees where all the managing is done by the leaders and guides. The philanthropic guide looks over the complete awareness program's projection (the change it can bring about) and suggests necessary modification.

 - Swadhin Kumar


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