His twinkling eyes speak of a mischief... His eyes race really fast to detect any new thing happening around... He is so impatient that it is impossible to hold him with you for more than a while while trying out for some serious conversation... Equally fast is the mind of Samanta in OSAP Leprosy Colony, who reads in Class 4th... He often weaves out stories and writes them. Once I asked him, "What would you do, when you grow up?" He immediately shot out, "I dont know." I asked him to think about it and he repeated this answer many many times. Then, he finally replied that he would definitely pass Matriculation. I had expected more dreams in his eager eyes. After that? He said that he would go to work.... Simply shocking!!!

Another time, when our friend Prabartika had accompanied us to OSAP, on being asked the same question by her, he again repeated that he didnt know. When she insisted that why dont you become a teacher, he replied that on becoming a doctor, he would have to give injections and if the patient dies, police would take him away. On becoming an engineer, he would have to build houses. On becoming a policeman, he would have to go jogging. Such an answer is quite obvious in the Police Colony. Finally, on being a teacher, he would have to beat children, which is a crime. I was shocked at the quick justified reply, which probably revealed their ideas about their teacher... His answer, despite being humorous, revealed a sad part that they dont dream on the face of the harsh reality that surrounds them.

Anjana, a sweet girl in Class 5th with her perenially ringing laughter however, has some dreams... When I asked her if she would like to appear in the Navodaya Entrance Exam, her answer was a spontaneous "Yes" and that her parents would have really no problem. It was pacifying that she can dream high. She is really a multi-talented girl. Once while teaching her "Fractions", which was not taught in their school, I realized that she hed already read some portions from it. She very fast captured the concepts. Then, she even had knowledge of LCM. Then, I began to teach her Vedic Maths tricks, which she understood initially and was later, able to predict!!! After teaching her for about half an hour, when she had learnt all these amazingly fast, I asked her if she wanted to read for more time, expecting that she would have been bored. But, surprisingly, her answer was an eager "Yes", which revealed her intense interest to capture any knowledge that was available! I was really happy at her interst...

This time on going OSAP after the vacations, I was really pleased that finally Samanta had decided his future- He Would like to be a Policeman...

Our duty is just to kindle the fire in these hidden talents and time will take care of the rest...

-Pallabi Mishra
(2nd Year)


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