Khalsa- For the Early Buds to Blossom

Khalsa- For the Early Buds to Blossom Here we are, at the end of this session, hoping for the revival of our busy lives. This year has brought each one of us into dire straits. AASRA, the social service club, established in the year 2005, has been working tirelessly for the upliftment of the underprivileged children even in these difficult times. KHALSA is one of such workplaces of AASRA where all the members are devoted and diligent. Khalsa emerged as a workplace in the year 2015. It is around 7.3 km from NIT, Rourkela. Having started with very few members and children, this workplace has now become more like a family of nearly 35 children who are mentored by 20 members. We, all the members and children as a unit, have been overcoming all the challenges and obstacles in our path and will continue to do so. When on campus, all members visit this abode four days a week as per the given time slots. Wit...