"The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service." . A social service organization, SMS-2, most of whose members are from RSP along some other renowned personalities of Rourkela had organized a Camp in the Gayatri Mandir near I.G. Park. Being invited,Prabartika,Tariq, Prakash, Amlan and Pallabi had gone on behalf of AASRA. Children from four orphanages including our Basanti Colony;and, some other physically disabled people had come there. They were provided with clothes already collected by the club members along with shoes and slippers..Health check up was also going on while the things were being distributed, since Sucheta Ma'am was also present there. While everyone was busy, meanwhile Aarti from Basanti Colony collapsed since she was suffering from migrane.But she was taken to hospital and after she returned alright,all had had lunch there. ...