AASRA in their words

What they feel about us.

I've translated the above from Oriya to English for your easier understanding of it.
                  " My self Durga Hansdah. i am in class 9th. I stay in Rourkela sishubhawan. My parents are not alive, I'm an orphan. Here all of us stay together, happily. NIT brothers and sisters come three days in a week. They teach us on Wednesday and Saturday. On Sundays, we play, sing, dance and have a lot of fun together. They visit us in the evenings, from 5 pm to 8 pm. One thing I feel that I always miss my Papa and this is the reason, maximum time i sit alone and remain silent.. When Didis and Bhaiyas come from NIT, I feel like my parents are with me and I forget everything. It makes me really happy. They also come in festivals like Rakhi and Ganesh puja. I dont have sister, but Didis have never given us a chance to feel it. They celebrate our birth days as well as of theirs also with us.
                On 26th Jan, we all go to NIT. This time we had gone there and performed dance, songs and skits. We ate patties, bread and  banana for breakfast. They give us different kinds of good books, toys among many other things. They have given us a washing machine too. They have given us the love of father, mother, brother and sister... M too happy..."
                    Oh, these little angels! That's what they feel about us! How keenly they observe us. Not only he, but each and everyone have described us in their words. 26th Jan is gone, but they have remembered even the breakfast also.. Coming to NIT once in a year and spending time with us, that day is very much important for them...
Feel their silence in solitude.. We have to break through it and bring smiles on the faces of these little ones...
Prabartika Sahoo
3rd Sem
Electronics & Communication Engineering
NIT, Rourkela


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