Sector 2 AASRA: A Beacon Of Hope

Sector 2 AASRA: A Beacon Of Hope Aasra, the social service club of NIT Rourkela, has been around for many years now. Established on the 26th of January in 2005, the organization has touched the hearts of many and has striven tirelessly to fulfil its objective of uplifting the underprivileged section BECAUSE THEY NEED US. At present, there are 8 workplaces and Sector-2 is one of them. Sector-2 workplace was established in 2014 by AASRA with the help of Father Benny (chairperson of CWS hospital). It is the workplace that is closest in distance to NIT Rourkela. Having started off with around 15 kids, the workplace struggled a lot in handling the kids. Initially, Sector-2 was the only workplace which had daily visits excluding Sunday. Problems cropped up after the initial semester where many members were inactive. Although, the positive side to this was that the bonding between the active members and the kids became very strong. The parents were also hesitant because...