Securing The Knot : Bonding

'An innocent heart cannot be captured by showering presents but only by cherished moments shared with it.' Bond between two human beings is just like a string tied amidst two hearts channeling emotions amongst them. Once a soul connects to another, the heart slips and the two souls sway with one another in the rhythm of life. In the human race, we by and large come across two sorts of bonding – one which God bequests to us in form blood relations early from the day we enter this world and the other manmade with the ones we crash into in our journey in this planet. The tie between a mother and a child knows no bounds and is undeniably a compilation of almost all the earthly ‘happy’ feelings be it be love, anger so on and so forth wrapped into a single package portrayed by just a simple word ‘Maa’. A child’s heart freed of voracity, self –indulgence, revulsion and abhorrence bonds more fondly than those who have spent a considerable amount of time in this double ...